Affordable Luxury

A trip to a spa these days can set you back significantly, and that’s just for one trip! Sure it was ‘worth’ it you tell yourself, but why go to all that trouble to plan it out, book the day or two, and then all that traveling when you can have the same pampering experience right in your own home and in your own wooden hot tub?
That’s where we come in!
We want to give you a little piece of luxury pampering without spending all that money and time, we want you to stay where you’re most comfortable because that’s how you’re really going to relax! We’re also going to make sure you do it with style!
We can build you a traditional wooden hot tub, where you can soak and relax in the warm waters heated by a true wood burning stove either internally or externally installed. Enjoying the rustic scent of burning wood with a soothing bathing experience.
That’s not all though, we can also provide genuine wooden saunas as well; the look of the traditional barrel sauna brings its own sense of luxury and class; thats even before you step inside and feel your aches and tightened muscles fade away under the surrounding heat. It really is like having a professional spa right at your own home!
Built to your own specifications we can allocate enough size and style to beautifully accent your garden in whatever fashion you require. Our traditional construction styles utilise the beauty of spruce and its natural therapeutic qualities to enhance an already enjoyable experience. Or perhaps you’d prefer larch wood letting it leave the aromatic benefits to seep out during use. We even offer a variety of interiors to our hot tubs, in case you don’t want the regular maintenance that wood requires, why not switch to polypropylene or fibreglass? The choice is yours.
Our wood fired spas and saunas are green as well; and don’t require the continued use of abrasive and offensive chemicals all the time to keep them clean. Not only is this a cleaner experience but it’s also saving you significant money on chemicals.
Just as you can customise the size of your new wood fired sauna or hot tub you can also add a wide array of extras to increase the enjoyment of your experience. LED lighting can be added to allow for more enjoyment and relaxation at night. Minibars can be added to accommodate a few beverages along with your soak when company is around. Accent pieces around the lid of your hot tub can really draw the eye and make the piece stand out more; as can glass walls or windows for your sauna.
The possibilities are just as varied and unique as you are, and the end goal is always your enjoyment. The relaxation and pampering of the Spa is no longer something you have to go away for; we’re bringing the spa home to you! Rest and relaxation, right in your own home, with a price that seem like luxury, but a feeling that does!